Rock Climbing Basics

Rock Climbing Basics is an intensive course designed for beginners, who have no previous climbing experience and for those who have climbed before. It is a comprehensive rock climbing course covering both sport and trad climbing…

Trad Climbing Basics

An intermediate rock climbing course suitable for people who took an introductory course or have previous climbing experience and are familiar with sport climbing. Trad Climbing Basics is a second stage of rock climbing training…

Sport Climbing Basics

Sport Climbing Basics is an introductory rock climbing course, intended for those who have never climbed before or have indoor climbing experience and want to progress to outdoor rock climbing. It is the first stage of training…

Multi-Pitch Climbing

If you are not sure whether you are ready for alpine rock climbing, but still would like to give it a go, then this course is right for you. It is an advanced course intended for traditional lead climbers and those familiar with multi-pitch skills…

Alpine Rock Climbing

An advanced climbing course designed for independent traditional lead climbers, and those familiar with multi-pitch climbing. It consists of two modules (level 1 and level 2). We will visit charming valleys, climb superb routes and impressive mountain peaks…